Desire Scale Assessment

Desire Scale Assessment

Instructions: For each statement below, choose the response that best reflects your current feelings, thoughts, and behaviors related to sexual desire. Use the scale to rate each statement:

  • 1 = Never/Strongly Disagree
  • 2 = Rarely/Disagree
  • 3 = Sometimes/Neutral
  • 4 = Often/Agree
  • 5 = Always/Strongly Agree

Section 1: Desire Awareness and Presence

1. I frequently think about engaging in sexual activities.
2. I feel a strong physical attraction towards my partner.
3. I look forward to intimate moments with my partner.
4. I often initiate sexual activities with my partner.
5. I feel excited at the thought of being physically close to my partner.

Section 2: Emotional and Psychological Connection

6. I feel emotionally connected to my partner during intimate moments.
7. I feel satisfied with the level of emotional intimacy in my relationship.
8. My partner and I engage in meaningful conversations that deepen our bond.
9. I feel supported and understood by my partner.
10. I am comfortable sharing my sexual desires with my partner.

Section 3: Behavioral Expression of Desire

11. I actively express my sexual desires to my partner.
12. I make time for intimacy despite a busy schedule.
13. I engage in non-sexual touch (e.g., holding hands, hugging) with my partner regularly.
14. I flirt or use playful behavior to maintain the spark in my relationship.
15. I find ways to surprise or show appreciation for my partner.

Section 4: Self-Perception and Self-Desire

16. I feel confident in my physical appearance.
17. I feel desirable and attractive.
18. I take care of my health and well-being to maintain my attractiveness.
19. I am comfortable with my body during intimate moments.
20. I am satisfied with my overall level of sexual desire.

Section 5: Overall Relationship Satisfaction

21. I am satisfied with the sexual aspect of my relationship.
22. My partner and I have a balanced and fulfilling sexual relationship.
23. I feel that my partner and I are on the same page regarding our sexual needs.
24. I am satisfied with the frequency of our sexual activities.
25. My partner and I have a healthy and open sexual communication.

Your Overall Results

Section Breakdown